Monday, May 25, 2020

Some Christians Today Look At The Old Testament Law

Some Christians today look at the Old Testament law as an archaic piece of literature that should only be read under duress. This is not the case, the OT law is highly relevant because it is there that God reveals what a proper relationship with him looks like. Paul himself says in 2 Timothy â€Å"all scripture is useful†, therefore the Old Testament law is essential to a Christian relationship with God, but how should Christians in today’s culture and times interact with the Old Testament Law and more so how should the culture in general interact with the Old Testament Law. The beginnings of the law were in God’s covenant with Abraham in Genesis 17:1 God said, â€Å"I am God Almighty; walk before me faithfully and be blameless† (NIV). God then expounds upon law with the Sinaitic covenant when God give the full revelation of the Law to include the Ten Commandments. His purpose of this expansion of the law according to Arnold Beyer was to make a â€Å"public and specific statement of the demands of having a relationship with God providing clear and uplifting instruction†¦[and] placed God’s Torah (‘law’), his divine instruction, at the very center of his relationship with Israel.† (2008, p. 112). For Israelites and us today the law was not a way to be saved, for they were already redeemed under God’s covenant it merely was a result of God’s love for them wanting the best relationship possible and serving to set them apart with righteous living as his redeemed people. The Law alsoShow MoreRel atedThe Differences Between Judaism And Judaism888 Words   |  4 PagesIf one were to look at all of the major religions of the world today, he or she might come to the conclusion that Christianity and Judaism standout as the most similar. 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