Thursday, August 27, 2020

Internship Report Marketing Research

Basic Assessment of the Research Methodology utilized in SRG Bangladesh Limited Critical Assessment of the Research Methodology utilized in SRG Bangladesh Limited Submitted to Professor Golam Mohammed Chowdhury Chairman, Internship and Placement Program Supervised by Dr. M Z Mamun Professor and Director Submitted by Noman Ahmed Khan Roll No. 16 MBA 41 (D) Internship Period: 23rd March to fourteenth June Institute Of Business Administration (IBA) University Of Dhaka Date of Submission: July 11, 2009 Acknowledgment First of all I should express gratitude toward Dr. M Z Mamun, Professor and Director, IBA for his demanding the quickness of the report.He helped me decide the goal of the report and guided me through to get as far as possible. He made me appreciative with his significant proposals every once in a while during my entry level position. I can always remember his paternal direction and his most extreme agreeable and genuine consideration toward me. The subsequent individual to recognize will without a doubt be my manager at SRGB: Mr. M Saidul Haq, Managing Director of SRG Bangladesh Limited. He has been an extraordinary help from the decision of the point, learning of various piece of exploration and understanding the distinction among hypothesis and practice.Special thank goes to Mr. Ziauddin Kamal, Senior Research Executive and Mr Emrul Kayes, Manager, HR for giving me each sort of data identified with my investigation. I should thank each other representative of SRGB, whom I discovered during various periods of my entry level position. The greater part of them have been exceptionally open and well disposed with me and furnished me with the appropriate responses I required from them. In conclusion I might want to thank my cohorts working in OrgQuest and the Nielsen Company Bangladesh Limited for furnishing me with brief yet valuable data about the practices in their organization.July 11, 2009 Chairperson Internship and Placement Institute of Business Ad ministration University of Dhaka †1000 Subject: Submission of Internship report on Critical Assessment of the Research Methodology utilized in SRG Bangladesh Limited Dear Sir: As a piece of the entry level position program, I have arranged this report on the point â€Å"Critical Assessment of the Research Methodology utilized in SRG Bangladesh Limited†. The report contains a point by point study and investigation on the subjective and quantitative strategy utilized by SRG Bangladesh Limited.I made a decision about the issue through the undertakings in which I needed to function as an internee. I have attempted my best to use the chance of functioning as an internee in a built up promoting research organization like SRGB. This report depends on data obtained from the task Awareness and Acceptance of UK Qualifications in Bangladesh, directed by SRGB. Here I have attempted to analyze the technique utilized in that review with the thery we have been educated in the homeroom and likely explanation of contrast with the hypothesis if any.I have kept up the temporary job learning according to the guidelines I have from my administrator Dr M Z Mamun. I delighted in setting up this report since it gives a chance to me to expand my comprehension of the genuine showcasing research rehearses. I thank you for such a chance. I will be accessible for any explanation whenever the timing is ideal. Genuinely yours Noman Ahemd Khan Roll # 16 Batch †41(D) Table of Contents EXECUTIVE SUMMARYvii 1. 0 INTRODUCTION1 1. 1 Origin of the Report1 1. 2 Objective1 1. 3 Methodology2 1. 4 Scope2 1. 5 Limitations2 . 0 Industry Overview3 2. 1. Exploration and Consultancy Industry around the World3 2. 1. 1          Market segments3 2. 1. 2          Player groups5 2. 2 Research and Consultancy Industry in Bangladesh7 2. 2. 1 ORG-Quest Research Ltd (OrQuest)7 2. 2. 2 Sirius Marketing and Social Research Ltd. 7 2. 2. 3 The Nielsen Company8 3. 0 Company Overview9 3. 1 Background and History of SRG Bangladesh Limited9 3. 2 Organization Chart10 3. 3 Services Offered11 3. 4 Qualitative Research12 3. 5 Quantitative Research12 3. 6 Recent Projects13 3. 7 Key Clients14 3. Key Person of SRG Bangladesh Limited18 4. 0 Jobs Performed During Internship20 4. 1 Duties and Responsibilities20 4. 2 Completion of the Assignments20 4. 2. 1 Awareness and acknowledgment of UK Qualification20 4. 2. 2 Assessment of Grameen Kalyan Clinics21 4. 2. 3 Global Opinion Poll on Social, Economic and Political Issues 2009, Project Green, Wave 921 4. 2. 4 Mystery Shopping on Banking Products and Service21 4. 3 Benefits of the Program21 5. 0 Critical Assessment of the Methodology of the Project â€Å"Awareness and Acceptance of UK Qualifications in Bangladesh†22 5. Foundation of the study22 5. 1. 1 Definition of the Business Problem22 5. 1. 2 Research Objectives22 5. 2 Methodology23 5. 2. 1 Criticism on Selection and Implementation of Quantitative Study23 5. 2. 2 Criticism on Selection and Implementation of Qualitative Study (KII and IDI)25 5. 2. 3 Criticism on FGD26 5. 2. 4 A Mixed-Methodology Approach to the Study27 6. 0 Conclusion and Recommendation28 Bibliography29 Annexure I: Questionnaire of Key Informant Interview (KII)30 Annexure II: Questionnaire for In-Depth Interview (IDI)35 List of FiguresFigure 1: Revenues of Research and Consultancy Firms by Services4 Figure 2: Growth Rate of Research and Consultancy Firms by Services4 Figure 3: Groups of Research and Consultancy Players by Size and Origin5 Figure 4. Level of Market Share Depending on Size of Businesses6 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This report has been composed with an engaged extreme objective of distinguishing the holes among hypothesis and practice of examination in SRG Bangladesh Limited. It has been discovered that the adequacy of an exploration firm SRGB in getting ready examination works genuinely upheld by hypothesis practitioners.Difference among hypothesis and practice is an exceptionally old wonder which we can see here as well. However, it tends to be finished up effectively that however the training isn't completely comparable with the recommendations from hypothesis, the training will work viably to draw out the outcome, which is the objective of all examination works. Statistical surveying and consultancy is an old craftsmanship which is getting progressively significant in Bangladesh step by step. The exercises of statistical surveying incorporate characterizing advertising openings and issues, producing and assessing promoting thoughts, checking execution, and understanding the showcasing process.At a similar time the board consultancy alludes to both the business of, and the act of, helping associations improve their presentation, fundamentally through the investigation of existing business issues and advancement of plans for development. Associations enlist the administrations of the board advisors for various reasons, including increasing outer (and apparently objective) exhortation, access to the advisors' particular aptitude, or just as additional brief assistance during a one-time venture, where the recruiting of progressively lasting representatives isn't required.Internship opportunity in a statistical surveying and the board consultancy house can be viewed as an incredible open door for an understudy to get familiar with some generally significant and successful abilities. Bangladesh is relatively new in Market Research and Management Consultancy segment. We can discover not very many enormous players and various little players here. Be that as it may, the business is extending step by step. The all out income is likewise expanding each year. Fundamentally four organizations can be viewed as the highest players in this industry. One of them SRG Bangladesh Limited is where the creator finished his internship.The Survey Research Group of Bangladesh [SRGB] was started in October 1987 as a Management and Industrial Consulting house. Since the mid 90s, SRGB wandered into giving Qualitative and Quantitative Research Services. From that point forward SRGB has effectively directed many examinations going from expansive based sectoral studies to smaller scale level contextual analyses for household and universal customers. SRGB keeps up a countrywide board of in excess of 800 male and female Field Investigators, who are enrolled locally bringing about generous expense efficiency.Moreover, neighborhood agents guarantee operational proficiency and precision in gathering significant data. As far as hierarchical way of thinking, to remain refreshed with the fast changes in the worldwide study research situation and to profit by the well deserved understanding of created economies, SRGB stays in consistent touch with various abroad firms occupied with research and counseling. The vast majority of the assignments took care of in SRGB were long haul extends that had just been begun. Some were before all else stage and some were in their last stages.Some of them are additionally a kind of constant examination with a few waves. The examined research study that was utilized to set up this report is Awareness and Acceptance of UK Qualifications in Bangladesh. It was a continuous task. It thusly appeared well and good to keep doing what the remainder of the group was doing (taking meetings of various kinds and composing those down). It required each of the three assistants from IBA to take meetings of various individuals. At the earliest reference point extreme employment of taking eye to eye interviews was assigned.Some visits to a private college (BRAC University for this creator) and a worldwide (Novartis Bangladesh Limited) helped the activity done. At that point the subjective part initiated. A multi day visit to Chittagong was made to take the KII of various Deans and office heads. The visit was fruitful with decent chances to learn meeting and relational abilities. On the other hand a multi day visit to Rajshahi, the place where there is warmth and mango. It was additionally an extremely fruitful visit with procuring of tremendous experiences.Finally unique top administration staffs from various associations and colleges like University of Dhaka, International Islamic University Chittagong Dhaka Campus, Square, Grameenphone, Dhaka Bank, BMET, UGC and so on were met. 1. 0 INTRODUCTION Market examination and consultancy is an old craftsmanship which is getting progressively significant in

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Obtaining Online Research Paper Writing Help

Obtaining Online Research Paper Writing HelpObtaining online research paper writing help is a great idea for many reasons. The convenience of not having to actually spend the time doing the research can make it all worth while, but what exactly is the benefit?For one thing, there is a bit of time involved in writing an online research paper writing help. This is especially true if you are already busy with work or have other obligations and you find yourself with very little time to do the research. There are people who cannot spend time doing research and therefore find that they are unsuccessful in their academic endeavors.Another good reason for online research paper writing help is that it can save you money. If you choose a service that offers online research paper writing help, you can be sure that you will not be paying for a long list of services that can only lead to wasted time and money. You can actually pay for a single report and be assured that you will be getting value for your money.Since so much of our lives is spent on the Internet, it only makes sense that online research paper writing help is an option as well. These are often companies that also provide other services as well. For example, you may find that some of these companies offer grammar check for various articles or essays you are required to write for school or work. It will save you time since you no longer have to worry about checking for grammatical errors.The bottom line is that online research paper writing help can be an option that is worth considering. There are many different websites that offer articles or essays for you to read and review prior to your writing. When you consider the time you will save as well as the cost of your services, you can see why you would want to get online research paper writing help.You should also look into the content that is on the website itself, since you want to make sure that you are providing high quality research paper writing help. I f there are spelling and grammar errors, you may want to start fresh and look elsewhere. If you find that there are things that you disagree with, you can always use the feedback section to voice your concerns and request changes.The last point to consider is that it is easy to use this service since there are a lot of resources available online for you to use. Many sites offer practice guides that are intended to help you write better and include things like templates and sample essays. Some sites will even give you recommendations on topics that you may want to write about.Whatever your research paper writing needs may be, there is likely to be something that you can find online that can help you make your course work easier. If you have any questions, feel free to email or call the site to ask about how they can help you. Your satisfaction is very important to the company so that they can offer their best to you and your needs.

Friday, August 21, 2020

4 Reasons Why You Should Be Blogging About Your Business

4 Reasons Why You Should Be Blogging About Your Business Make Money Online Queries? Struggling To Get Traffic To Your Blog? Sign Up On (HBB) Forum Now!4 Reasons Why You Should Be Blogging About Your BusinessUpdated On 08/03/2016Author : Chris MarentisTopic : BloggingShort URL : CONNECT WITH HBB ON SOCIAL MEDIA Follow @HellBoundBlogBlogging is still a fairly recent development for marketing, and small and medium sized businesses are the ones who will benefit greatly by incorporating blogs into their online marketing strategy. The power of blogging and the audiences it reaches cannot be denied â€" this is a cutting edge way to market your company, and by reaching out to your local community this way will give you access to a market you weren’t able to touch before.Blogging can do several things for your business: it can bump you to the top of the search engines, mold your reputation as an expert or “helper” in your field, and refine your ability to deliver a quality product based on different perspectives you wi ll gain through writing posts.Reasons Why You Should Be Blogging About Your Business1. Stimulate that brain! The brain is a muscle. If you don’t use it, it will slowly die, and then when you need it, the kickstart will be slow and sputtering. Avoid this untimely death by exercising your writing skills! It forces you to really think and analyze content and word usage, while conveying information relevant to your industry that consumers will want to read. It will encourage you to be a better problem solver in your industry too as you learn to listen to feedback.2. Become a better public speaker. The more you write about your industry and various topics relating, the more knowledge you will gain about your business. This knowledge will give you the confidence you need when it comes to conferences or even parties where you want to clearly articulate your topics.READ12 Extreme Reasons Why People Unlike Your Facebook Page3. Go deeper. Blogs have this beautiful evolution where you can re visit old posts and topics and expand upon them. It’s a great way to cover a relevant topic from many different angles, or focus specifically on some key points from a more general post. It’s also a good way to garner enthusiasm about a topic that previously has not gained much interest or notoriety. The point to remember is to expand on the original blog post, not just a re-write.4. Become a better networker. Using your Social Media pages to market your company is just smart business. But the key behind social media marketing is networking. The online community isn’t interested in self-promoters; if you can establish yourself as a relevant source of information in your industry by sharing content from other users, you will build trust around your own name, which will lead to more followers.Small and medium sized local businesses that see the value of this will benefit greatly from blogging. It’s an easy and cost effective marketing strategy that can transform the landscape of your business, and learning to stay current with evolving marketing trends will result in company growth consistently.